Media in MDR
Press Room
Welcome to Marina del Rey Tourism Board’s media hub. Are you in the area for an assigned story? Are you a content creator interested in visiting Marina del Rey? We’re happy to assist qualified media by suggesting itineraries, coordinating activities, or organizing a visit. Please direct media and content creator inquiries to Kat Jacob, Director of Marketing & Communications at kjacob@visitmdr.com.

Filming & Photography in MDR
Anyone engaged in filming, videotaping, or otherwise producing motion pictures or still photography for television or public exhibition at any place, must obtain a film permit. Film permits are required in Marina del Rey, on Los Angeles County beaches, and in County parking lots. All arrangements and permits are coordinated through Film L.A. Inc.
6255 W. Sunset Blvd., 12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90028; (213) 977-8600

Brand Assets
Visit the Marina del Rey Brand Center for access to high-res images, videos, logos, and collateral.